These Four Apps Turn Your Phone Into Your Workout Buddy | Techhive

For people who like to dabble in other social networks, the app also connects with Facebook and Twitter so you can share your workouts and maps. RunKeeper is a nice catchall app for cardio freaks. Not only can you log all types of cardio workouts best site (including gym workouts), you can also blog url use the app to discover goal-based training programs and keep a record of your personal bests. The app is compatible with a number of third-party apps and accessories, including My Fitness Pal, Garmin GPS watches, and Fitbit activity monitors, so its easy to incorporate into your fitness plan. BodySpace Do you even lift, bro? BodySpace is a network for lifters. Most fitness apps and gadgets are skewed, at least slightly, toward runners. But there are a handful of useful apps for lifters out there. BodySpace BodyBuilding.coms lifting social networkis one of them.